
Solid figures

Ultimately, it's all about clear figures, and that's precisely what we provide: comprehensive price data in euros per kilowatt-hour for all European Union countries, including those outside the eurozone.

Our data buyers receive organized data files containing the average energy price paid by consumers in each country. All price data is in euro per kilowatt-hour.

We are recognized as a trusted alternative data source by Neudata and listed on their platform.


Subscription options available


Electricity & Natural Gas


European Union countries + UK


All Price data in €/kWh

Wind turbines


Precise input from a diverse range of sources forms the foundation for calculating accurate average price data. Input is gathered from energy agencies and suppliers, and from a unique source we call respondents. These are actual end-users working with us, and they are an important reason we pride ourselves in offering the most up-to-date data available in the industry.


In the news

  • JUN15
    Price data for May 2024 available today -
    order data
  • JUN11
    EUSEW 2024 week. Speakers and attendees participate both in Brussels - article
  • JUN6
    Total global energy investment is expected to exceed $3 trillion in 2024 - article
  • MAY28
    New Methane Regulation to reduce emissions from fossil fuels in Europe and abroad - article